Sometimes we just need a refresher on the do’s and don’ts of boys, and that’s totally okay.
When’s the time to finally let go of him?
If he’s hurt you before, girl forget it. You deserve better and us girls need to stick together boo. You’re going to find someone that makes you happy 100% of the time, and you should never give in because you’re feeling alone. A girls gotta love herself before she loves anyone else. Letting go is definitely easier said than done, but you’re strong enough to do it! You’re a badass Queen (or King) that deserves the mother fuckin world! Stop letting yourself think that you don’t deserve better, because you do. The time will come where you find someone, but you have to be patient. Patience is key. I promise the minute you stop thinking about finding love, someone will be right around the corner. In the meantime, surround yourself with the people you love most and learn your worth.
If you're having a hard time letting go, don’t worry. Been there and done that. Just keep in mind, what’s meant to be will be! Six words and twenty letters that carry weight, if you actually follow what they’re saying. Sometimes you love someone but the timings all wrong and that’s okay! Just trust that you’ll find your way back, and who knows, maybe along the way you’ll find someone better.
Most importantly of course, lean on your bestfriend. Your BFF loves you most and he/she will be there for you every step of the way.
And if they’re not—time to find a new best friend, girlfriend.
Ta ta for now!